Details of all updates to JMatPro® version 12.x
Version 12.4 (January 2021)
- fixed missing temperature line in QForm export file
Version 12.3 (December 2020)
*UPDATES FROM VERSION 12.2 to 12.3 are only necessary for Cu alloy users*
- fixed calculations for Cu alloys failing (introduced in 12.2)
Version 12.2 (November 2020)
- in steel solidification/quench properties graphs, added a note about whether secondaryphases were included or not
- steel TTA calculation: homogenisation temperature calculated when relevant
- export to COMSOL Multiphysics for steel heat treatment
- fixed quench properties/welding cycle/advanced TTT calculations failing when running with K or F as temperature unit
- fixed choice of old/new format in Sysweld export
- fixed a bug in cooling curve calculations which can lead to erroneous results if a minor phase appears before a major one
- fixed possible failing calculations in Advanced TTT when the chosen temperature unit was K or F
Version 12.1
- corrected a bug preventing calculations of "Quench Properties" being made for multiple cooling rates when secondary phases were included
- fixed double inclusion of Scandium in the list of elements for Al alloys. This created problems of saving the right composition
Important: this fix for Sc means that files with the wrong compositions may have been saved if you have used version 12.0 for Al alloys including Sc
- To correct this:
a) Install version 12.1 or above
b) When JMatPro® starts, look into the DOS shell and it will say JMatPro® will run in xxx. This will give you the base folder where files are stored. Close JMatPro® and in this base folder, find the inits/elts.ini file. Delete this file
c) In "File->Load Material File" delete all mat files created in version 12.0 for which there is Sc in the alloy composition
d) In "File->Load Composition" delete all compositions saved in version 12.0 for alloys which should contain Sc
Version 12.0 (May 2020)
- secondary phases and carbides can now be considered in General Steel solidification and Quench Properties
- altered strength/hardness calculation strategy for General Steel
- added phases choice in homogenisation calculation
- reaustenitisation properties/TTA curves and permeability calculation now consider a martensitic microstructure
- improved magnetic permeability calculation
- in temperature stepping plot-one temperature summary table, added ability to transfer phase composition to current used composition
- added white cast iron solidification
- new processing map creation tool using user provided flow stress data
- new creep model for Ni and NiFe superalloys including effects of coarsening
- re-assessed creep/rupture-life and high temperature mechanical properties for Single Crystal
- added info for Young's modulus and shear modulus in creep plot of Ti alloys
- added flow-stress analysis during General Steel solidification
- added Grossmann critical diameter hardenability calculation for General Steel
- more rigorous calculation of graphite microstructure dependent properties (thermal/electrical conductivity, Young's/bulk/shear moduli)
- new homogenisation model including phase growth
- addition of Nb, V and Ti in the martensite transition and hardness utility
- in cast strength plot for Al/Mg alloys offer conversion to HB rather than HRc
- more accurate latent heat calculation during solidification when solid state transformations are included
- changed coarsening contribution of Li in Al alloys
- ensured Forming Limit Diagram utility only accepts Yield Stress as input
- changed thermodynamic calculations strategy to ensure more robust high temperature strength calculations
- in the Al thermodynamic database, for better Sc consideration, new ALSC2SI2 and ALFESI_DELTA phases, remodelled AL3M_L12 phase
- added O to the Al thermodynamic database, new AL2O3,MGAL2O4 and MGO phases
- added Ce to the Al thermodynamic database, new AL13CEMG6 phase
- added Nb and Zr to the Cu thermodynamic database, new NI3NB, CR2NB, MU_PHASE, AL3ZR, CU51ZR14, CU5ZR, CU8ZR3, CU10ZR7, CUZR and CUZR2 phases
- re-assessed MC description in Ni and Co thermodynamic databases to improve predictions for high W alloys
- re-assessed molar volume database
- augmented viscosity database for Cu Co and Solder alloys
- adjusted thermal conductivity database to deal with high C Ti alloys
- new ProCAST mtdd (multicomponent thermodynamic data) export
- expanded TherCAST export for General Steel
- new Abaqus export
- addition of electrical resistivity (ELRST) to Deform forming/HT exports
- addition of diffusion coefficients (DIFCOE) and magnetic permeability (PMEAB) to Deform forming export
- unified and optimised code used for general steels cooling in various calculations
- added stress-strain curve utility and Forming Limit Diagram utility for General Steel license only
- fixed strength calculation for bi/tri-modal precipitates distribution for Gamma" only alloys
- fixed Deform-HT export if no pearlite/bainite found
- fixed possible wrong unit (At%/Wt%) used in export of thermo-physical properties (H,Cp,phase amount)
- fixed specific heat glitches in reaustenitisation properties plot
- fixed conversion to F in coarsening plot
- fixed conversion to F in homogenisation plot
- fixed conversion utility not showing for Al and Co alloys
- fixed calibration of Forming Limit Diagrams not working for room temperature in a high temperature mechanical properties plot for General Steel